STOP THE NOISE! STOP THAT CLICKING! THOSE LIGHTS ARE TOO BRIGHT!! – All the things about Sensory Processing Symptoms!

Feb 09, 2024

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is a condition that affects the way the nervous system processes sensory information from the environment. Individuals with SPD may find it challenging to organise and interpret sensory stimuli, leading to difficulties in responding appropriately to everyday sensory experiences. This disorder can affect people of all ages and is often associated with various neurodevelopmental conditions.

What is Sensory Processing Disorder?
The sensory system plays a crucial role in how we experience and interact with the world around us. Sensory Processing Disorder occurs when there are challenges in receiving, organising, and responding to sensory information. The brain may struggle to process and integrate signals from the senses, leading to atypical responses to stimuli that others may perceive as ordinary. 

If you have sensory issues, you don’t need to be diagnosed with SPD!  It’s just interesting to note if at times you are more sensory than others.  Have you ever been to Woolies at Christmas and thought “Oh gosh it’s so noisy here and the beeping of the machines is annoying, and that child crying is really getting to me, and and and”…. Now whilst I’m not saying if you’ve experienced this situation you HAVE SPD, we all can have experienced, at times irritated by things like this and a bit like “oh gosh that’s a bit much”.  SPD has varied and many symptoms and we don’t need a diagnosis to be able to do something about it.

Symptoms of Sensory Processing Disorder:
SPD can manifest in various ways, and individuals may experience a combination of sensory sensitivities or sensory-seeking behaviours. The symptoms can be categorised into three primary types: sensory over-responsivity, sensory under-responsivity, and sensory-seeking.

1.  Sensory Over-Responsivity:
Hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli, such as loud noises, bright lights, or certain textures.
Strong reactions, including avoidance, discomfort, or anxiety, in response to specific sensory input.
Difficulty filtering out irrelevant stimuli, leading to easily becoming overwhelmed.

2.  Sensory Under-responsivity:
Difficulty noticing or responding to sensory stimuli, such as not reacting to pain or not being aware of environmental sounds.
Appearing unaware or indifferent to certain sensory experiences.
Slow or delayed responses to sensory input.

3.  Sensory-Seeking:
Actively seeking out sensory stimuli, such as excessive movement, touching, or fidgeting.
Engaging in repetitive behaviours to fulfill sensory needs.
Difficulty with self-regulation, leading to impulsive or disruptive behaviours.

How Can I Help?
A neurodiversity coach plays a crucial role in supporting individuals with SPD by providing strategies and tools to navigate daily life more effectively. Here's how a neurodiversity coach can make an impact:

Understanding Your Unique Profile:
I start by gaining an understanding of your sensory processing challenges. This involves identifying specific sensitivities, triggers, and coping mechanisms.

Developing Personalised Strategies:
Based on your unique sensory profile, I collaborate with you to develop personalised strategies for managing sensory experiences.

Enhancing Self-Awareness:
I work with you to enhance self-awareness of their sensory preferences and challenges. This self-awareness empowers the individual to recognise and communicate their needs more effectively.

Building Emotional Regulation Skills:
Sensory processing challenges can often lead to emotional dysregulation. I can help you build emotional regulation skills, teaching techniques to cope with stress, anxiety, or sensory overload.

Advocacy and Communication Support:
Advocacy is a crucial aspect of navigating the challenges associated with SPD. I can assist you in advocating for your needs in various settings, including schools, workplaces, and social environments. Communication strategies are developed to express sensory needs effectively.

Promoting Environmental Modifications:
I collaborate with you to make environmental modifications that support your sensory needs. This may involve creating sensory-friendly spaces at home or advocating for accommodations in educational or workplace settings.

Building Confidence and Self-Esteem:
Coping with sensory processing challenges can impact an individual's confidence and self-esteem. I focus on building a positive self-image, emphasising strengths, and fostering a sense of empowerment.

Supporting Transition Periods:
Transitions can be particularly challenging for individuals with SPD. I can provide support during transitional periods, such as starting a new school year, transitioning to a new job, or adapting to changes in routine.

SPD can present unique challenges, but once they are identified, skills can be taught to help navigate the sensory world more successfully!

As a coach, this is the most rewarding!!  Being able to make small tweaks environmentally and seeing massive results for both neurodiverse kids and adults is very rewarding! Then together we build on these tweaks further to promote a greater sense of well-being and independence.

Much Love,

Alison xx

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