Download 5 ADHD Flags...

Could my child have ADHD?
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who is it for?




What's inside?


I chose 5 symptoms (of many) of an ADHD mind; described them for you and gave you 20 strategies that you can do to support these symptoms.


Two bonus flags of ADHD that your child may display, and another 8 strategies for you to help support them.


Michael Smith

"Participating in regular coaching sessions has been a lifeline for me.  Alison’s guidance, understanding and empathy has empowered me with effective strategies to navigate the challenges of parenting.  I feel more confident, patient, and attuned to my children’s needs.  The support received during these sessions has been invaluable, and I’m grateful for the positive, strengths based impact it has had on my family."

NB Stock Photo to maintain privacy.

Hi There!

My passion is in raising children and families intentionally, authentically and based in Positive Psychology.  For nearly 20 years I have been involved in the Education Sector.  I am a trained teacher, Mentor Coach, ADHD Coach, on the International Coaching Federation Queensland Leadership Team, Childcare Centre Owner, Mother of 4 neurodiverse 2E children and wife of 15 years (together for 18!).

Download 5 ADHD Flags...

Could my child have ADHD?
How can I help?

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