Join The Village

Your Supportive Community for Parenting and Parent Growth!


Welcome Home, To The Village


The Village is a unique approach to growing your most genuine authentic family possible.

It combines knowledge, education, awareness, self-care, mindset, honest &
true personal growth,
all tailored for busy parents & caregivers.

I Need This!

How are you doing?

Are you feeling:

  • Exhausted, reactive, frustrated, overwhelmed?
  • Like no one “get’s it” when your child will only eat chips, cheese and cucumber?
  • Worried you’re not doing enough or the ‘right’ things?
  • Constantly busy, like you should be somewhere else, doing something else?
  • Like you should be able to do it all, but just can’t?  Home work helper? Friend? Errand runner? Cleaner? Chief rememberer for everyone’s things? 
  • Wondering where is the community that helps raise the next generation and what that community would actually do?

Do You:

  • Have a more tabs open in your mind than you ever thought you could?
  • Feel like if you drop the ball in one area of life everything will unravel?
  • Want more out of life?
  • Suspect there is neurodiversity and want to explore it in a safe space?
  • Feel out of your depth?
  • Feel like you’ve tried “all the things” but none of them really work?
  • Want more support but don’t even know how or what at this point?
  • Have hope that there are answers out there?

In your heart of hearts, do you:

  • Know that this isn’t how you want to raise your family?
  • Want more efficiency at home and with the family?
  • Want a better connection with your partner & yourself?
  • Want a more authentic connection to your children?
  • Know that there really must be a better way!

I have what I believe is the answer!
I am so excited to invite you to join The Village!

Take Me To The Village

The Village Offers

Practical, easy-to-implement routines, resources and programs; designed to help you build awareness and solutions through parenting, neurodiversity, profiling, stress management and relationships and so much more to build a strong, intentional flourishing family unit. 

A Portal To House All Contents

Your intentional dedicated central hub for accessing everything.

A Growing Library Of Resources

Utilise tools and resources alongside guided routines and monthly missions.

The 15 Minute Mind Unwind

Start your journey with a dedicated evening routine to help you relax, reflect and prepare for a restful night’s sleep.

Monthly Missions & Guided Routines

Engage in practical, evidence-based missions ranging from simple to significant.

Live Accountability Sessions

Join live sessions to discuss family dynamics and neurodiversities, keeping everyone on track towards their goals.

Community Support

Connect with like-minded people who understand your challenges and share you desire for incremental shifts towards a more genuine family unit. 

A Bonus ADHD Tracker Diary

Track your real life! An ADHD Symptom Tracker is an invaluable tool for individuals monitoring symptoms of ADHD.

Special Discount Codes & Early Access

Enjoy exclusive discounts and early access to coaching, events, programs, resources and workshops.

A Book Club:

Where You Don't Read the Books! I read the books & you benefit from summaries & key insights, saving you time whilst gaining valuable knowledge!

What's The Investment

  • Affordable membership price, ensuring that it is accessible to everyone

  • No long-term commitments; cancel any time if your needs change

  • As this is a brand new offering, the library will only get bigger and bigger.  This is your opportunity to get in at the grass roots and be able to have your say on what you want / need in The Village community!

    Don’t wait another minute!

    We can’t wait to welcome you!          



Sarah - Mother Of Two

"As a parent of two neurodiverse children, I constantly felt overwhelmed and alone. The guided routines and monthly missions have brought a sense of structure and calm to my brain and accountability so that I follow through!"

NB: Stock image to protect privacy

Emily - Mother Of Four

"Before Alison took me through the concept of the Village, I felt like I was constantly running on empty, trying to juggle everything on my own. The 15 Minute Mind Unwind has become an important part of my evening routine, helping me to relax and get a head start on the next day. I can see that The Village community will be something positive as the numbers continue to grow.  Alison has made such a positive impact on our family life."

NB: Stock image to protect privacy

Mark - Father Of Two

"The guided routines are easy to implement and have made a noticeable difference in our daily lives. I love the monthly missions—they keep us focused and motivated.  As the community grows I can already see it’ll be an authentic place to go for support and to share ideas."

NB: Stock image to protect privacy

Why Choose Me? I am,

  • a Family Dynamics Strategist
  • a Neurodiversity Coach
  • an ADHD Coach
  • a Teacher
  • a Childcare Centre Owner
  • a Mum of 4, 2E Children
  • a Lover of learning!!!
  • a Partner of 20 Years &o Wife of 15!
  • a Sauna Lover Minus The Plunge!

After graduating university nearly 20 years ago, I went on to work in primary schools in South East Queensland and North Queensland. I met my husband and together we have achieved a lot! Safe to say there were some key flags for both ADHD and ASD here.

In the span of nearly 20 years, some of our achievements include:

  • Successfully flipping eight properties, and moving home eight times;
  • Navigating three house floods in the last seven years;
  • Experiencing six pregnancies & welcoming four babies;
  • Adjusting to six ADHD diagnosis and five ASD diagnosis;
  • Acquiring a service-based business just in time for a global pandemic; &
  • Developing a commercial property & establishing another service-based business 

My unique approach blends lived experience with a wealth of knowledge, offering strategies & practical support to raise awareness, modify environments & equip parents with the tools to establish or re-establish children and families as capable, authentic, emotionally intelligent & responsive.

I am thrilled that I've been able to open The Village up to you! We can't wait to welcome you!

Take the first step in the adventure, make the decision to experience a unique approach to self care, authentic personal growth, understanding & awareness and family connection.

Don't miss the founding member pricing.

Much love,

Alison xx

I Need The Village