Small Weekly Wins

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Weekly Wins 43: What is at the Heart of Our Purpose at The Incremental Shift Sep 16, 2024

At the core of the Incremental Shift is a set of deeply held beliefs that guide everything we do. These beliefs are not just abstract ideas but principles that shape our approach to personal growth, relationships, and community. They reflect our commitment to helping individuals...

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Weekly Wins 42: How Parental Stress Impacts the Management of Neurodiverse Children Sep 09, 2024

Parenting is demanding, but for parents of neurodiverse children—those with ADHD, autism, or other developmental differences—the challenges are amplified. The unique needs of neurodiverse children often require specialised attention, patience, and adaptability, which can lead to...

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Weekly Wins 41: Why Does Dinner Around a Table Matter? Sep 02, 2024

Family dinners have long been a ritual and an opportunity for connection and communication within households. In a world where schedules are increasingly hectic and digital distractions are immense, the simple act of gathering around the dinner table provides a vital opportunity to...

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Weekly Wins 40: Father's Day Aug 26, 2024

Dads play a crucial role in the family, offering guidance, support, and love. Celebrating Father's Day is an opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate them, good and quirky!

Over the years I have become far more close to my Dad than I was as a teen… all parents are so not cool at that...

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Weekly Wins 39: Creating Family Values: Why They Matter and How to Instil Them Aug 19, 2024

Why Have Family Values?

Have you ever heard someone (your parents / you as a parent / friends / anyone really) say something like “that’s not what we do in this family”. When I hear this, and to be honest, I hear it more than I would think I would, I immediately think, well...

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Weekly Wins 38: Parenting Mindset: What you can control, and what you can't! Aug 12, 2024

Parenting is complex to say the least! But when you’re raising neurodiverse and twice-exceptional children, the complexities become even more intricate. These parents often find themselves balancing multiple roles while managing unique needs that can feel overwhelming of which I can 100%...

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Weekly Wins 37: The Mission Of The Incremental Shift Aug 05, 2024

In today's fast-paced world, families often find themselves caught in the washing machine of daily responsibilities, societal pressures, and digital distractions. Amidst this chaos, fostering genuine and deep connections within the family unit can become a daunting challenge, especially for...

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Weekly Wins 36: The 15 Minute Mind Unwind Jul 29, 2024

For the last long while, I’ve been trialling something on myself. My sleep has never been worse in the last 6 ish months. Not even when I had newborns – the theory there is that I was so exhausted with newborns that I’d go back to sleep so fast after I’d feed them...

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Weekly Wins 35: Lessons From a Friend & a Vision of the Future Jul 22, 2024

I love my life, I really do. I have the most amazing husband and family, I truly do. But, full transparency, I have not always felt this way, and we are all far from perfect, but when I zoom out, my family are all spectacular human beings. Honestly, if I think about it too much (as I am a...

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Weekly Wins 34: Transitions and Changes: Tips for Managing Transitions Such as Moving, Changing Schools, or New Routines Jul 15, 2024

 Transitions and changes can be particularly challenging for children (& adults) with ADHD and autism. These moments of potential uncertainty can bring nerves, excitement, and anxiety, making it essential for parents to have effective strategies in place. Whether it’s moving to a...

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Weekly Wins 33: Navigating Term 3: Top 10 Strategies for Parents Jul 08, 2024

Navigating Term 3: Top 10 Strategies for Parents

Here in Queensland, kids go back to school this week! My kids have had an awesome break from school, I’ve had an awesome break and stretched in terms of how far my kids will push their luck! HAHA! In all seriousness, it’s been a really...

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Weekly Wins 32: Emotion Coaching for Kids (& some adults!!): Building Emotional Intelligence Jul 01, 2024

In the busy-ness of today's world, helping children develop emotional intelligence is crucial. Even developing emotional intelligence as an ADULT, is crucial. Emotion coaching is, in my humble opinion, an essential technique that parents can use to guide their children through their emotional...

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