Small Weekly Wins

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Weekly Wins 19: Getting Kids with ADHD Ready for School Everyday! Mar 22, 2024

Mornings can be a whirlwind, and sometimes a nightmare, especially for families with children affected by ADHD. The challenges of getting an ADHD child ready for school can seem really frustrating, but with the right strategies, it becomes an opportunity to instil routines, promote independence,...

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Weekly Wins 18: Hyperfocus in ADHD… Mar 15, 2024

Hyperfocus stands out as a unique and powerful phenomenon in those with ADHD.

Let's look into it with 8 key facts:

What is Hyperfocus?

Hyperfocus is an intense state of concentration and absorption in a specific task or activity, often experienced by individuals with ADHD.

Time Distortion:

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Weekly Wins 17: What do I actually do? What does a Neurodiversity Coach do? Mar 08, 2024

Picture this – a partner in your journey, dedicated to inspiring and supporting mums, dads, and children alike, fostering an environment where every family member is seen as creative, resourceful, and whole. Our mission? To cultivate a family ecosystem that not only nurtures individual...

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ADHD: It’s more than “he just can’t sit still” Mar 01, 2024

ADHDers have an abundance of attention, the challenge is controlling it. It is not a disorder of KNOWING, it’s a disorder of DOING.

When I think of the ‘experts’ in realm of ADHD, I think of Russell Barkley and Thomas Greene. In this week’s weekly win, I’ll define...

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The Curse of Being Twice Exceptional! Feb 23, 2024

How funny is the term “Twice Exceptional”!! It totally sounds like it’s exceptional but doubly good, doesn’t it! Like as if exceptional wasn’t awesome enough you’re TWICE exceptional! Haha!!

If only.

Being twice exceptional, or 2e, is a term used to describe...

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Building Resilience in Neurodiverse Families. Feb 16, 2024

In the complex details of family life, each member contributes to the unique pattern of experiences, challenges, and successes. For neurodiverse families, the family dynamic has a spectrum of strengths and challenges, creating a rich and dynamic family flow! Building resilience becomes a...

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STOP THE NOISE! STOP THAT CLICKING! THOSE LIGHTS ARE TOO BRIGHT!! – All the things about Sensory Processing Symptoms! Feb 09, 2024

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is a condition that affects the way the nervous system processes sensory information from the environment. Individuals with SPD may find it challenging to organise and interpret sensory stimuli, leading to difficulties in responding appropriately to everyday...

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What Actually Happens During a Coaching Session with Me? Feb 02, 2024

Continuing on from my previous Weekly Wins Blog, this blog will provide a look into the multifaceted journey of a typical family coaching session that I would run, shedding light on the various components that contribute to a successful experience.  We all know that family life, with its...

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What Actually Happens During a Discovery Call with Me? Jan 26, 2024

In this blog, I’ll go through the purpose of a discovery call, what happens during a call and the significance of this foundational start.

Individuals and families often seek the guidance of ADHD coaches to navigate the challenges that arise in the tricky dynamics of raising little people...

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Comments that Cancel Connection with Autistic People Jan 19, 2024

Grinding my Gears Right Now: 5 Things to NOT SAY to Autistic People

I was at my child’s Speech Therapy Session recently and she (our wonderful Therapist who I am forever indebted to) asked me a question about my child identifying or not as being Autistic, and it triggered me.  It...

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Embracing The New Year, Kinda but Later! Jan 15, 2024

As the clock strikes midnight and the calendar turns to a fresh page, the excitement of a new year beckons. It's a time filled with the promise of new beginnings, the thrill of possibilities, and the hope for positive change, coupled with contemplations of failed new years resolutions by January...

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Join the Inner Circle: Real, Raw, Unfiltered Stories and Empowering Moments Jan 03, 2024

Social Media and Me

For the last 6 months or more, I’ve been really struggling with how to show up on Instagram, floating from it feeling awesome when I’m keen to share new information, but not to share too much personal information for the world to see.  To the flip side of it...

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